WhatsApp Latest feature.

Whatsapp will tell if the message is new or forwarded.


WhatsApp has launched another Latest feature for its users. With latest feature, the user can know which messages are original and which is forwarded. The message that will be forwarded will now come with an indicator which will make it easier for users to know that this message is forwarded. Facebook's proprietary messaging app WhatsApp has introduced its latest 'forward message indicator' feature today . During press release they told that this service will help you to simplify your one-to-one  or group chat. With this feature of WhatsApp, now it will be easy for you to find out that the message you have come to have written a friend to you or message actually came from some other side. Goverment constantly trying to promote digital India campaign, so goverment constantly launching new apps. Recently, goverment updated the Mpassport Services app and now citizens can apply for passports from anywhere in the country.
The same election commission has also launched the application called Civigil.

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